岳豐科技股份有限公司 YFC-BonEagle
岳豐科技在 2006 年電源線及網路線產品的出貨量將近一億條,若將其長度串聯起來可環繞整個地球數周, 尤其在過去一整年全世界所售出的網路線產品中,岳豐的出貨量居領先地位, 在全球各地不時可發現到岳豐生產製造的產品。
岳豐科技高品質的產品源自於紮實的研發,除了不斷的超越極限之外,岳豐的工程師群也在產品研發方面下苦心。例如岳豐科技是全亞洲第一家 Cat.7 網路線的生產廠商, 同時也是第一家能夠自行生產網路線及網路接插件產品, 提供客戶完整的網路佈線產品及一次購足服務的領導廠商, 證明了岳豐科技紮實的研發與製造功夫。主要產品︰
區域網路電纜(第五類、超五類、第六類、第七類)、電源線、光通訊傳輸及接收模組、光通訊元件、半導體雷射、區域通訊網路接插件。桃園縣新屋鄉中山東路二段130巷12之9號 YFC-BonEagle, a technology-oriented company with excellent management team, is well known for high-quality and innovative product. As a leading provider of power cord sets, electronics and networking products, YFC-BonEagle offers a complete product portfolio and continuously develops advanced products, that enable worldwide users to enjoy the modern convenience and boundless access to the world through the high technology.
In 2006, YFC-BonEagle shipped around 100 million power cords and networking products, whose total length can circle the earth several times, and the massive volume of shipped networking prod
高效能低壓損的氣體過濾網, 高質量的化學濾網活性碳